Education Quality Indicators
Education Quality Accreditation Commission
Understanding and evaluating the education quality requires a comprehensive picture of the unique and complex characters of the system that produced them. The following Education Quality framework is designed to place learning outcomes and educational achievements in perspective.
The Education Quality Accreditation Commission vision of the Education Quality supports on: European recognition directives in education quality and training, ECTS Credits from the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, USA recognition directives in education quality and training, USA education accreditation indicators, other independent education accreditation references, education industry quality assurance standards, education quality indicators, UNESCO policy on education quality, personal excellence and achievements.
In nearly every country, higher education is controlled and monitored by the national government, which promulgates higher education quality and policy. As free markets, open frontiers, and individualism spread around the world, however, many nations are adapting their higher education systems to the more liberal, competitive and diverse. Accreditation is one of the major factors behind this global trend. Accreditation reflects the comparative advantages of numerous and diverse institutions and methods of higher education quality, and respects its core values of autonomy, self-governance, scholarship, and the assurance of academic quality through peer review. Today, higher education quality is emerging as a diverse, competitive, decentralized "system," with vibrant private and public sectors in which colleges and universities enjoy comparatively high autonomy.
Employers, parents, students, and others look to organizations of educational accreditation for consistent and reliable information about the quality of educational institutions, and increasingly, seek to participate in the process itself. There is no single model for providing the information and involvement which are so important for public accountability, and each organizations of educational accreditation will want to relate, in terms of its own structure and procedures, how it ensures this accountability and education quality.
Education Quality Indicators
- ACA - Academic Cooperation Association
- BAC - British Accreditation Council
- CRUE - Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas
- ECA - European Consortium for Accreditation
- ECBE - European Council for Business Education
- ECTS - European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
- ENIC Network (European Network of Information Centres)
- EFQ - European Qualifications Framework
- EUA - European University Association
- EUCEN - The European Universities Continuing Education Network
- QAAHE - Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
- CHEA - Council for Higher Education Accreditation
- EROD - Education Resource Organisations Directory
- USA Department of Education
- CCE - Commonwealth Consortium for Education
- CQAIE - The Center for Quality Assurance in International Education
- IAU - International Association of Universities
- INQAAHE - International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education
- NARIC Network (National Academic Recognition Information Centres)
- OUI - Organización Universitaria Interamericana
- UCEA - University Continuing Education Association
- UDUAL - Unión de Universidades de América Latina
- AAHEA - American Association for Higher Education and Accreditation
- CASE - Council for Advancement & Support of Education
- EQAC - Education Quality Accreditation Commission
- GUNI - Global University Network for Innovation
- IEA - International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement